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How To Control Your Blood Sugar Naturally With Diabetes
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In this article, I’ll be revealing the best ways to control your blood sugar naturally. Diabetes Freedom is a program that outlines exactly what you need in order to control blood sugar levels without risking unhealthy alternatives.
The fact is, the number of diabetics has increased dramatically over the past few years. And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. So what can you do to reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes and control your blood sugar levels naturally?
Let’s start with a list of 10 things you can do to help control your own blood sugar in a natural way.
10 Ways to Control Your Blood Sugar Naturally Without Risky Alternatives
Number 1: Get an Exercise Session in Every Single Day
Did you know that exercising can actually lower your blood sugar for up to twenty-four hours or longer?
It’s true. Your body becomes more sensitive to insulin. Make sure to check your levels often. This
will ensure you know exactly how well exercise is controlling your blood sugar.
Number 2: Consume a Diet That Is Low in Glycemic Foods to Control Your Blood Sugar Naturally
Believe it or not, consuming a well-balanced diet that has low glycemic foods is one of the best ways to control your blood sugar.
This will keep you on track with your goals and make you feel much better too.
Number 3: Eat the Correct Amount of Fiber to Maintain Your Healthy Sugar Levels
You should think of fiber as the holy grail of controlling blood sugar. It’s one of the best ways to stay healthy overall. High fiber diets have a range of benefits to the human body. Make sure to add this to your arsenal.
Number 4: Consume 100% Whole Grain Foods 3 Times Per Day
100% whole grain foods are known for many health benefits. But can they really control your blood sugar levels? The answer is an emphatic YES.
Whole grains are so healthy for us. The fact is, they are slowly digested over a long period of time. They reduce inflammation in our body and also have high fiber levels. Inflammation is often related to Type 2 Diabetes.
So make sure to get whole grains in your diet as often as you can. It may just have the impact you desire to control your blood sugar naturally.
Number 5: Do NOT Consume Foods or Beverages Like Alcohol, Coffee, Soda or Anything High In Sugar
Alcohol, coffee, soda and any food loaded with sugar and fat will increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes and also increase your blood sugar levels. This can be very dangerous. I’m not saying you can’t consume these foods at all.
I’m suggesting that you do not consume these foods more than two times per week. Instead, choose foods that are healthier.
Foods like spinach, avocado, black beans, blue berries, chicken and fish are a much better choice. These foods will help control your blood sugar naturally.
But consuming these foods doesn’t have to be a horrible experience. There are so many recipes that are both tasty and healthy. So controlling your blood sugar levels naturally is pretty easy.
Number 6: Eat Only the Healthy Fat Sources and Ditch the Garbage!
Not all fat is bad. In fact, healthy fat sources high in omega 3 fatty acids are SUPER important for our overall health. They contribute to brain health and heart health. But did you know they also lower blood sugar naturally?
That’s because our bodies were designed to function on healthy fats and proteins. Not sugar and white flower. It’s easy to fall into bad habits and consume these unhealthy foods.
If you want to control your blood sugar naturally, you’ll want to avoid those foods and stick to foods high in fiber and healthy fats. Controlling your Type 2 diabetes will become easier if you adopt this plan.
Diabetes Freedom actually has you covered with this part. It’s all outlined for you and ready to be followed step by step.
Number 7: Avoid Large Meals at All Costs to Help Control Your Blood Sugar
Consuming large meals is one of the fastest ways to increase your blood sugar levels. Switching to a diet plan that has 5 to 7 meals per day is the best way to lower your blood sugar naturally.
The fact is, our bodies aren’t meant to take in a ton of food all at once. If you look at our distant past, we were foragers. We spent all day looking for food and we burned calories while doing this.
So we were constantly controlling our blood sugar levels naturally by consuming the correct foods and exercising all day long to gather these foods.
But things are different now. We have 9 to 5 jobs and don’t have time to forage for food. We have grocery stores for that now. So consuming food more often is the best way to control blood sugar naturally.
Number 8: Consume Protein with Every Meal to Control Blood Sugar Levels
Consuming protein with every meal helps control our hunger cravings and our blood sugar. It’s a great way to do it naturally. Protein keeps us feeling full and satisfied for long periods of time.
This will keep us from binge eating and in turn help control our blood sugar naturally. So follow a high protein diet plan.
Number 9: Reduce Your Calories by 500 Per Day Every Day for 20 Weeks
Studies have shown that reducing your body weight by ten percent will reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes by fifty-eight percent. That is AMAZING!
So reducing your caloric intake by 500 calories per day will help you lose one pound of body fat each week. That’s 3,500 calories that you didn’t consume. So after 20 weeks of dieting, you’ll lose 20 pounds of pure fat.
For example, if you’re overweight by 20 pounds and you reduce your calories by 500 per day for 20 weeks, you’ll be 180 pounds. Not only is this a healthy way to lower your blood sugar naturally, you’ll also feel much better.
Diabetes Freedom has detailed plans that you can follow to lose weight and reverse the effects of diabetes.
So maintaining a healthy weight is the first thing you should focus on to lower your blood sugar levels and control them naturally.
Number 10: Use the Best Supplements to Control Your Blood Sugar
If you want to learn how to control your blood sugar naturally, you need to have the correct supplements. Fish oil, vitamin C, B complex and GTF chromium are just a few to consider.
But be warned. There are plenty of companies out there that make false promises and claims just to convince you to purchase their miracle supplements. Do your research and look for REAL reviews of supplements before putting them in your body.
Controlling your blood sugar levels naturally doesn’t have to be a risky endeavor. I hope you enjoyed this article on 10 ways to lower your blood sugar levels naturally.
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